Repairing leaks in bathroom walls, floors and shower pans

Tile specialist's Jeremiah and Joseph checking the mud job inside a shower floor area.

Preventive maintenance goes a long way. If you take care of your bathroom tiles, your tiles will always look good.  Even as your bathroom becomes older in time, it still will look beautiful.  But you have to maintain the grout which holds all the tiles together preventing water, dirt and soap from eating your grout away.  If you have a hole in your grout line, water and other harmful elements can drip its way to the inside behind the tiles and eventually cause damage to your backer-board, wood or metal studs and insulation.

If you see that your grout is dirty, missing in spots and black, this is a sign that you need a tile repair specialist to remove all damage grout and apply new grout for preventive maintenance.  Its highly recommend hiring a tile repair specialist because this job is more important than it looks!  Everybody think that anybody can re-grout, correct?  WRONG!

If you do not remove the old grout properly, the new grout will not adhere to your tiles and will eventually fall out and your back with the same problem within a months’ time or even less.  And what about that black stuff?  Do you know what that is?  Its mold.  And it’s possible the mold is starting to grow from within your walls and beyond.  We have to remove and destroy the mold.  Otherwise, mold will grow back and make more holes in the grout.  So, hire someone who knows the signs of trouble and will fix your problem for years to come.  Call  Nick the Tile Man at 917-865-8693 before you become a victim of sickness!


917 865-8693

We specialize in grout and caulk removal and new grout and caulk installation. Our tile installers install all new types and sizes of tiles and provide all types of tile repairs. Tired of looking at your run-down bathroom, call me Nick the Tile Man today!


Some Of Our Repair Jobs

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